Leadership Legacy Wall
The dedication of the Elizabeth Ann Phibbs Leadership Legacy Wall is the culmination of years of work. The new building has held more than 150 leadership development events, roundtables, and CEEL workshops each year since 2018—nearly 750 sessions for school leaders in total.
We applaud the commitment and vision of the individuals listed on the wall, and we hope that future generations will see the Leadership Legacy Wall as a reminder that all students and teachers in South Carolina deserve great school leaders.
Distinguished Donors
BlueCross BlueShield of SC
Compass Municipal Advisors
Founders Federal Credit Union
Mikee Johnson
Martha Lyman Jones
The Lindsay Family
McNair Law Firm
Steve & Gail Morrison
Elizabeth Ann Phibbs
The Rhodes Family
Betty S. Royster
South State Bank
Inez Moore Tenenbaum
Dr. Charles W. & Sandra B. Welch
Dana Abbott
Ozzie Ahl
Dr. Sean Alford
Katherine K. Anderson
Kristi L. Anderson
Donald E. Andrews
Dr. Missoura Ashe
Dr. D. Ashley Atkinson, Jr.
Penelope S. Atkinson
Dr. Claudia Belton Avery
Dr. Joanne Soldano Avery
Dr. Betty Bagley
Dr. Arlene Bakutes
Denise Barth
Karen G. Beaman
Judy Beard
Dr. Herbert Berg
Kathy R. Bernard
Dr. Andrea C. Berry
Dr. Kandace Rhames Bethea
Dr. Glenda Bigby
Robbie Binnicker
Charles E. Black, Jr.
Kenny Blackwood
James Blake
Dr. Jina Moore Blount
Barry F. Bolen
Nichole B. Boseman
Cathy Boshamer
Neely Bowden
Mary Paige Loving Boyce
Jill Brady
Mike Brenan
William Briggman
Dr. Gwendolyn Boyd Bright
Robin W. Bright
Dr. Nancy Britt-Stevens
Carrie C. Brock
Dr. Dixon Brooks
Dr. Sandra C. Brossard
Cynthia M. Brown
Kelly Brown
Winnical B. Brown
Dr. Lori Brownlee-Brewton
Sonya M. Bryant
Patricia Cook Burch
Dr. Chris Burkett
Dr. Angela Burkhalter
Alvera C. Butler
Brenda Byrd
Dr. Keith Callicutt
Dr. Sonya B. Campbell
Sherry Cariens
Dr. Carl Carpenter II
Elizabeth Carpentier
Dr. Lynn Cary
Joseph W. Casey
Dr. Cynthia Cash-Greene
Virginia Catoe
Dr. Cheryl Caution-Parker
George S. Champlin
Kenneth L. Childs
JoAnn Clanton
Robert Clanton
Melanie Cohen
Corey Collington
Dr. Robert Compton
Dr. Gwendolyn J. Conner
Dr. Marty S. Conner, Sr.
Dr. Traci Young Cooper
Latonia Copeland
Kevin Cox
Dr. Marian Crum-Mack
Roberta Cumbee
Dr. Lee M. D'Andrea
Dr. Baron R. Davis
Edward D. Davis, Jr.
Hinton G. Davis
Dr. Joyce Washington Davis
Katinia Davis
Robert E. "Bob" Davis
Reggie Dean
Dr. Rette Dean
Tara Dean
Ken DeBerry
Dr. Connie J. Dennis
Tradd Denny
Jeremy "Chris" Dinkins
Dr. Leroy R. Dinkins
Dr. Cindy Doolittle
Kristen Dowtin
Dr. H. Randall Dozier
Jasmine Drain
Duff Freeman Lyon, LLC
Dr. Abbey Duggins
Theodore "Butch" Dutton
Dr. Amy Edwards
Melodie Edwards
Neel W. Edwards
Corey Ehlenbach
W. Christian English
Brantley Enloe
Dr. Sherry M. Eppelsheimer
Dr. Chuck Epps
Dr. Tiffany Estes
Dr. Chastity Evans
Dr. Allen Fain
Janet Fickling
First Community Bank
Dr. Phinnize J. Fisher
Dr. Raashad Fitzpatrick
Jenifer B. Fleming
Dr. Billy K. Floyd
Dr. Chester Floyd
Teresa Floyd
Wendy P. Folsom
Dr. Franklin Foster
Dr. Julie G. Fowler
Dr. Marshalynn Franklin
Denise Bolt Fredericks
Aimee Fulmer
Elease H. Fulton
Kelly Gabriel
Matthew Gams
Dr. Ronald W. Garner
Steve Garrett
Dr. Gerald Gary
Dr. Mason Gary
Dr. Randall R. Gary
Dr. Mary Gaston
Marie C. Gibbons
Ayanna C. Glover
Dr. Elrica Glover
Rodney Goode
Dr. J. Harrison Goodwin
Dr. Connie Graham
Rodney Graves
Paula Gray
Dr. J. R. Green
Ruth L. Green
Nancy J. Gregory
Dr. Sandra E. Griffin
Lori Gwinn
Dr. Tammy M. Haile
Dr. Betty Jo Hall
Dr. Wally Hall
William "Bick" Halligan
Dr. Debbie Hamm
Steve Hamm
Allison Aiken Hanna
Don Hardie
Dr. Robin Hardy
Deborah Weathers Hargrove
Dr. Shanika Harrington
Dr. Michael R. Harris
Terrence L. Harris
Jane Harrison
Dr. Valerie E. Harrison
Josie Kate F. Haupfear
David C. Havird
Joanta Hawkins
Dr. Stephen Hefner
Clara H. Heinsohn
Dr. Tim Henson
Dr. Laura Hickson
Kathy D. Hipp
Dr. Candace Hoffman
Jennifer Holman
Judy S. Holmes
Dr. Skip Hopkins
Dr. John Hudgens
Dr. Mildred Huey
Dr. Timothy B. Hunter
Dr. Ericka R. Hursey
Dr. Eddie Ingram
Andrew Jackson
Phillip Jackson
Marla Jacobs
The James Family Fund
Dr. William B. James, Jr.
Dr. Sharon Jefferies
Dr. Cassandra A. Jenkins
Doug Jenkins
Courtney Johns
Dr. Shawn Johnson
Dr. Tia Savage Jones
William M. Jones
Denise Khaalid
Beauregard King V
Omoro King
Dr. John Kirby
Vicki Kirby
Julie Anne Kornahrens
Dr. Margaret LaForce
Cindy Langley
King Laurence
Louis E. Lavely, Jr.
Tana Lee
Dr. Kelvin Lemon
Dr. Sandra Lindsay
Dr. Gregory Little
Carol Lunsford
Dr. Ernest E. Mackins
Chad Maguire
Kathy Mahoney
S. Danielle Major-Murphy
Eddie Marshall
Kimberly S. Mason
Dr. David Mathis
Gina Mays
Karis Mazyck
Christopher E. McCants
Tina McCaskill
Jeff McCoy
Dr. David D. McDonald
Marty McGinn
Ron McGinty
Will McGinty
Dr. Jade McLeod
Karen McMakin
Dr. Michelle Meekins
Dr. Annette Ghent Melton
Dr. Christina S. Melton
Dr. Scott Mercer
Dr. Daniel B. Merck
Elizabeth K. Michael
Caroline K. Miles
Dr. Nikki Miller
Pam Mills
Dr. Salvatore Minolfo
Dr. Megan Mitchell-Hoefer
Dr. Gene Moore
Dr. Quincie Moore
Dr. Frank Morgan
Dr. Gail M. Morrison
Patterson Moses
Dr. Jeffrey Moss
Dr. Veta New
Dr. Tim Newman
Arthur Newton, Jr.
Dr. Kevin L. O'Gorman
Dr. Sharon Buddin O'Keefe
Orange Sky Student Travel
Martin Orr
Dr. David O'Shields
Vaughan Overman
Dr. Darryl Owings
Cassandra Paschal
Margaret Peach
Dr. Kenneth Peake
Dr. Jody Penland
Dr. Kelly U. Pew
Amanda Phillips-Hilley
Hannah Pittman
Dr. Gerrita Postlewait
Michael Powell
David E. Pressley, Jr.
Dr. Chris Price
Davida Price
Dr. Cindy Pridgen
Lauren Prochak
Allana Prosser
Dr. Terry O. Pruitt
Joseph R. Pye
Dr. James D. Quinn
Dr. Sheila B. Quinn
C. Lance Radford
Dr. Ivan Randolph
Robert Ratterree
Dr. Morris Ravenell
John Reagle
Kelly Reese
Cheryl Revels
Leland Reynolds
Rhonda Rhodes
Rob Rhodes
Dr. Chandra Richardson
Millie Ricketts
Dr. Thomas Rivers
Robert A. Roach
Dr. William Roach
Tanya Roberts
Benjamin H. Robinson
Katrina Johnson Robinson
Andy Rogers
Dr. Jeffrey R. Rogers
Ray Rogers
Dr. Meredith Rose
Dr. Richard Rosenberger
Dr. Akil E. Ross
Dr. W. Burke Royster, Jr.
Dr. Mike Rutherford
Angie Rye
Tara Safriet
Dr. Jamal Sanders
Charles "Chuck" Saylors
Dr. Brenda Schrantz
Milton W. Scott
Dr. Brian C. Shaw
Dr. Marcella Shaw
Senator Vincent A. Sheheen
Dr. James Ann Lynch Sheley
Michael Brooks Sheley
Brian Sherman
Robert Elisha Shortt
Angela Showalter
Lynne Shrader
Courtney Sims
Dr. Kuterah Singletary
Dr. Angie Slatton
Andrenna A. Smith
Cleveland J. C. Smith
Jacob Smith III
Jean Smith
Kristie Krause Smith
Sandy Smith
Dr. Scott Smith
Dr. Thelma F. Sojourner
Molly Mitchell Spearman
Margaret Spivey
Billy Sprouse
Dr. Fay Sprouse
Mirandi Squires
Crissie Stapleton
Dr. Kappy Steck
Lindsay Stewart
Glenn A. Stiegman, Jr.
Dr. Charlene Stokes
Dr. Billy R. Strickland
Shari Stubbs
Elizabeth Suggs
Robert E. Sullivan, Jr.
Dr. Alisa Taylor
Malinda Taylor
Dr. LaToya Thomas-Adams
Mary Greene Thomasson
Claire D. Thompson
Dr. Michael Thorsland
Dr. Helena Tillar
Maureen Tiller
John Tindal
Patricia Thomas Toney
Peggy Trivelas
Jeaneen M. Tucker
Jane Turner
Dr. Scott Turner
Dr. Neal Vincent
Dr. Sharon Wall
Missy Wall-Mitchell
Arlene B. Wallace
Dr. George Ward
Dr. Rex S. Ward
Dr. Jesse Washington III
Denise L. Webster
Jay Welch
Deedee Westwood
Dr. Tammy T. White
Dr. Thomas D. White, Jr.
Dr. Lana E. Williams
Dr. Norris Williams
Shawn Williams
Vernie Williams
Kim Wilson
Thomas A. Wilson
Deborah Wimberly
Cherie Winkler
Dr. Craig Witherspoon
Dr. Greg Wood
Dr. Karen C. Woodward
Norman E. Woodward
Martin L. Wright
Catherine Yates
John Young
Josh Young
Dr. Seth Young
Dr. Marc Zachary
Michele Harmon Zee
In Honor or in Memory of
In honor of A. Clark Batten
In honor of Kathy Bradberry
In honor of Dr. Renee Bradley
In honor of Sarah Coleman Campbell
In honor of Dr. Gregory L. Cantrell
In honor of Dr. W. R. Christopher, Sr.
In honor of Alexia C. Clamp
In honor of David L. Coleman
In honor of Jimmy & Dale DeBerry
In honor of Isaac Turner Dobson
In honor of Tom & Nancy Faulkenberry
In honor of J. Coke Goodwin
In honor of Dr. Lee & Angelia Green
In honor of Greenville School Leaders
In honor of Rhett & Debbie Harris
In honor of Dr. Angela Lyon Hinton
In honor of William & Lori James
In honor of W. Buchanan & E. Kichline
In honor of Horace & Charlie M. Knight
In honor of Sidney & Riley Livingston
In honor of Ernie & Brenda Mathis
In honor of Marlene M. McClerklin
In honor of Dr. Sandra McMullen
In honor of Erik & Anna Miller
In honor of Dusty Rhodes
In honor of Mary & Grover Richardson, Sr.
In honor of William Peele Stubbs
In honor of Pat Thomas
In honor of Lyles & Amarintha Whitener
In honor of Betsy Wilson
In honor of Dr. Steve & Teresa Wilson
In memory of Thomas H. Ackerman
In memory of J. W. Bailey
In memory of John & Mary Bates
In memory of Lucy G. Beckham
In memory of Bennie D. Bennett
In memory of J. M. "Carty" Black
In memory of J. W. & Helen Childers
In memory of Laco & Ruby Davis
In memory of Julius H. Doggett II
In memory of Selma B. Giles
In memory of V. Temoney & I. M. Gregg
In memory of Edward & Bleaker Hammond
In memory of J. Pearce & B. Hansil
In memory of Dr. G. Edwin Harmon
In memory of Javon Johnson
In memory of Reneth & Lorene Jones, Sr.
In memory of Dr. John M. Liston
In memory of Barbara Franklin Luster
In memory of Julia Threatt Lyman
In memory of Edward Ellis Mayfield
In memory of Bernice Rhodes Moore
In memory of Ellen Mosely
In memory of Preston & Pressley Patz
In memory of Ocea Pearson
In memory of Charity Smalls Peters
In memory of John Petrey
In memory of John & Sara Phibbs
In memory of John Allen Ray
In memory of Arlene C. Rogers
In memory of Jacob W. & Sara B. Rogers
In memory of John & Ethel Rogers
In memory of John & Hazel Rogers
In memory of Dr. William B. Royster
In memory of Wayman & Annie Rucker
In memory of Hazel & Cora Smith
In memory of Marlene H. Sturkie
In memory of Ryan White